Search For Valid Bitcoin Addresses
This EnScript searches entries and records for BitCoin addresses. It uses the following GREP, ANSI/Unicode, case-sensitive search expressions -
- [13][1-9,A-H,J-N,P-Z,a-k,m-z]{25,33}
- bc1[0,2-9,a,c-h,j-n,p-z,A,C-H,J-N,P-Z]{6,87}
Notwithstanding that these search-expressions will usually generate quite a large number of hits, the script will only bookmark a hit if it can be validated.
Original Bitcoin addesses (those beginning with 1 or 3) are validated using 3rd party source-code from the Casascius Bitcoin Address Utility. This in turn uses source code from The Legion of the Bouncy Castle C# .NET Crypto Api.
This script was developed for use in EnCase training. For more details, please click the following link:
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