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Multiple Date Range Filter - Entries Only (EnFilter)

This EnScript filter allows the examiner to show/hide entries using multiple date-ranges and one of four different logic options.

Ranges are entered in the same way as conditions, e.g.:

  • yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm...yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm
  • yyyy-mm-dd (00:00 to 23:59 inclusive)

The filter should be copied to the following folder in the user's Documents folder:

  • EnCase\Filter

Please see the following tweet for a screenshot showing example date-ranges:

This script was developed for use in EnCase training. For more details, please click the following link:

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Version: 1.0
Tested with:
EnCase Forensic 8.09
Developer: Simon Key
Category: Utility

12 Downloads in last 6 months