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EnCase App Central

Extend the power of EnCase. Access, download and install software apps built by expert EnScript developers that help you get down to business – faster.

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This EnScript will find any new or updated EnScripts (based on the last time you visited EnCase App Central) and double-clicking the EnScript’s name will take you to the item’s product page where it can be downloaded.

The EnScript’s UI will show:
- The last time you visited EnCase App Central
- A list of previously known/available EnScripts
- A list of new or newly updated EnSctipts.
- Double click on any new EnScript and you’ll be taken to the EnScript’s product page at EnCase App Central.

Note: This EnScript is no longer supported and updates, bug fixes or support portal help should not be expected.

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Version: 2.1
Tested with:
EnCase Forensic 7.09
Developer: Guidance Software
Category: General

13 Downloads in last 6 months