Cross-Border Data Privacy in Focus

9 Pages

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For global entities, the amount of data that is produced, processed, and transmitted across borders has grown exponentially. Cross-border data flows have increased 45 times larger since 2005, and are projected to grow by another nine times by 2020. Whether or not this cross-border data contains customer information or financial records, the need to proactively identify and manage private and sensitive information is paramount. This is true especially in light of increasingly complex regulatory mandates like the E.U. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Privacy Shield.

Cross-border data transfer issues will likely remain a top priority, particularly for the EU. Organizations should start the process of designing and implementing a privacy-compliant cross-border data transfer strategy now, as this can potentially become a very lengthy and drawn-out process. In this paper, we review several cross- border data privacy regulations, the data-related challenges facing organizations today, and how Forensic Security products from Guidance Software – EnCase Endpoint Security, EnCase Endpoint Investigator, and EnCase Risk Manager - are well positioned to provide solutions that addresses these problems.

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